7 Counterintuitive Yet Highly Effective Ways To Be More Productive
If you ask any professional how they’re doing today, they’ll likely offer a one-word answer: busy.
In a world where people wear busy like a badge of honor, not being busy can feel awkward and unnatural. We’re afraid to stop moving and be perceived as lazy or a slacker, and we worry that we should be accomplishing something.
But busy does not equal productive.
Worse, constantly grinding and churning leads to burnout, anxiety, and stress-related illnesses. As a result, our immunity weakens, we age faster, and we become more susceptible to colds.
And you can’t be productive if you’re running on fumes and stressed out.
The counterintuitive solution to productivity may lie in the very thing we fear will impede it: slowing down.
Yet the benefits of slowing down are numerous. Research shows that we allow our minds to wander when we’re idle. And that daydreaming makes us more creative and better at problem-solving and developing innovative ideas.
Slowing down can also be a great productivity tool because it conserves our mental energy and recharges our batteries. It also allows us to be more thoughtful and intentional, so we make fewer errors and have greater clarity.
If you’ve been busy being busy, slowing down might be challenging. Here are seven ways to jump off the hamster wheel:
1. Swap multi-tasking for mono-tasking.
You can do everything you want to do, but you need to slow down and focus on one thing at a time to make the most progress. Unfortunately, multi-tasking scatters your attention and destroys clarity, which is essential for productivity. Worse, it promotes a sense of “time creep,” where you lose track of time in an attempt to do more. So instead, switch to mono-tasking, where you’re singularly focused on the most important and urgent thing. Then, after you complete that, tackle the next most important but less urgent task.
2. Order that latte for here.
Instead of grabbing your caffeine to go, switch things up and order that latte for here. Sit down and allow the warmth of the porcelain mug to envelope your hands. Savor that first sip. Resist taking out your smartphone, and instead, look up, quietly noticing the world around you. Use your awareness to become more in tune with your surroundings.
3. Go old school with a pad and pen.
As a writer, I love my laptop for its speed and efficiency. But when brainstorming, I’ll pull out a pad and one of my trusty blue Pilot G-2 .07 pens. Something about capturing ideas with pen and paper drives my creativity. Does it insert another step into my process? Yes, but I’ve found the extra few minutes to transfer handwritten scribbles to my computer is worth the boost in creativity the old-school method provides.
4. Schedule time to do nothing on purpose.
Unless you carve out time and permit yourself to be still your busy schedule will get even more hectic. But, when you master your time management, you’ll naturally build into your calendar space to think, observe and listen to your inner voice. And when your time is spent on things you value most and benefit your well-being, you’ll better focus on what matters most.
5. Change your environment.
It’s hard to slow down when your surroundings urge you to do otherwise. Try finding or creating a comfortable space away from distractions like devices and TVs at home. In your workplace, changing your environment might mean leaving your office and heading to a park. (If you work from home, as I do, simply going outside can work wonders.) And if you can’t leave your workplace, close your door and computer tabs, turn off notifications, and silence your phone for a few blissful minutes of stillness.
6. Engage in activities that invite you to participate at a slower pace.
Do you fear that your monkey mind will never stop racing? Offer it fewer stimuli and swap Netflix binge-watching for quiet meditation. Do your workouts consist of frenetic kickboxing sessions? Try mixing in some yoga instead. Are you an avid runner? Channel your inner Einstein, who relied on his daily walk to boost his memory, creativity, and problem-solving.
7. Lose the guilt.
Shift your perspective to resist feelings of guilt when slowing down. Remember that taking short breaks and vacations are elements—not detractors—of success. By unapologetically incorporating periods of stillness, you’ll ensure enhanced productivity—and well-being.
Though you may not feel like you’re getting as much done when going at a slower pace, research suggests otherwise. And by intentionally slowing down, you’ll move from busy to productive.
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