Testing is a constant in the lives of American students as they participate in course-related, state-mandated, and college entrance exams as well as the National Assessment of Educational Progress. NAEP tracks and compares learning outcomes across the United States.
The testing discussion is incomplete, however, without recognizing the role of international academic assessments. Ultimately, international comparisons are not just about test scores. They are about ensuring the well-being of healthy, educated young citizens who will soon be the world’s adult decision-makers.
A global view of student academic progress is available through various significant assessments, including the Programme for International Student Assessment, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study. The results of these assessments are often used by countries to improve educational policy and promote education reform.
Global Educational Comparisons Through PISA, TIMSS, and PIRLS
The PISA offers a “global benchmark” for measuring math, reading, and science proficiency. Administered every three years to a sampling of students through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, PISA measures the academic abilities and capacity for meeting real-life challenges of 15-year-olds around the world. More than 80 member and non-member countries participated in PISA 2022. Results explore the equity and quality of learning opportunities and outcomes for students across the globe.
The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement cooperates with international research organizations and governmental agencies to understand and improve instruction and educational policy worldwide. IEA’s TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, housed in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College, implements large-scale educational studies including the TIMSS, focused primarily on fourth and eighth grade mathematics and science performance, and PIRLS, which spotlights trends in international fourth grade reading achievement.
PISA, TIMSS, and PIRLS results can be used to promote positive educational change. That is their professed intent. Unfortunately, they also can be used to fuel negative rhetoric intended to demean schools and educators. There is no doubt that schools should be accountable for high quality instruction. The reality, however, is schools do not operate in a vacuum and are not directly responsible for many factors necessary for student success.
Global Comparisons For Prosperity And Student Well-being
Educational outcomes and national economic success are inseparable. The OECD and IEA play a much more influential role than providing simple educational outcomes and comparisons. Their missions and goals include ideals of prosperity, equality, preparation for life in the 21st century, and informed citizenship.
Organizations such as these recognize that test scores cannot stand alone. As a result, they also collect data on what influences the inputs and processes of educational systems. Not just outcomes, not just test scores, but the inputs. That matters.
What other statistics are collected? Think beyond reading, mathematics, and science.
It is impossible to untangle the deeply intertwined elements that lead to a well-educated, empowered population. OECD makes this clear through its Child Well-being Dashboard and the stance that “children should be able to both enjoy a “good” positive childhood in the here and now and have the opportunity to develop skills and abilities that set them up well for the future.”
To study the ingredients of a positive life, for over 60 years, the OECD has reached beyond academic comparisons and sought to bring governments, policymakers, wide-ranging public-serving organizations, and citizens together to create policies that “foster prosperity, equality, opportunity, and well-being for all.”
OECD explores social and welfare issues, housing, and the environment, among other topics. Financial literacy for young people is crucial as they move into independence and adulthood. PISA assesses this. PISA also collects data on indicators such as school climate, bullying, and student self-beliefs. I am eager to see the 2022 PISA results to be released on December 5.
With a similar goal of positive universal influence, additional IEA initiatives and their influence on international communities and economies are interesting. The International Computer and Information Literacy Study explores how well students are “prepared for study, work, and life in a digital world” and the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study maintains a focus on civic education in schools to better understand how countries prepare their young people for citizenship.
IEA also explores factors such as teacher professional development needs, student sense of belonging, school discipline and safety, and home educational resources.
These elements influence students’ physical, emotional, and academic health, as well as their life readiness. They matter to student success and stability.
Such expansive global data influences not only education policy but also broader education-adjacent economic and infrastructure initiatives. The data allows member countries to learn from each other as they pursue economic development and improved human prosperity.
The Influences On Learners And Educational Systems Matter
Understandably, countries are eager to see how their learners stack up when compared to peers across the globe. The value of these educational data points for promoting improved policy and economic success cannot be understated.
However, the United States and nations across the globe must examine and act upon more complex data than high stakes academic student outcomes alone. Countless systemic factors that impact student success are not in the control of children, their families, or educators. Governments and policymakers control the levers for environmental, social, financial and, yes, educational influences on children. They must be addressed by leaders in a position to do so.
Any country, including the United States, that wants to be academically competitive on a global stage must first meet the core needs of learners. Until the supports required by children and the schools that serve them are provided, nations will be hard-pressed to compete.
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