Working remotely can result in disconnection and disorientation.
For some, remote work has been a terrific way to gain productivity and navigate all the demands of work and life. But remote work also has a negative side—in which people feel disconnected, distracted or demotivated.
New data demonstrates the state of remote work—the good, the bad and the ugly. But even with the mixed experience, there are things you can do to stay motivated, fulfilled and satisfied no matter where you work.
Work Where You Are
According to a poll by Upgraded Points, people are working from all kinds of places when they’re not in the office—although most are home. In fact, 99% say that’s where they set up shop.
But people are also working from coffee shops (14%), friends’ homes (12%) and coworking spaces (4%). People also work when they’re traveling—toiling from hotel rooms (12%), airports (6%) and airplanes (3%).
And there are 3% of people who say they work from the beach.
Pros and Cons of Working Remotely
Working away from the office has some advantages and a poll by Buffer found people especially appreciated working at flexible times (32%) and places (26%). They also liked not having to commute (21%) and the ability to spend time with family (11%).
But there were also drawbacks to working away from the office and the most significant among these were struggles with collaboration and communication (20%), loneliness (20%) and not being able to unplug (18%),
Another study published in the journal of New Technology Work and Employment discovered when people worked remotely they struggled with loneliness, irritability, worry and guilt. In addition, they suffered negative mental health symptoms and physical health symptoms.
It can be tough to stay motivated when working from home.
So Many Distractions
In addition to loneliness and discontent, working away from the office can also create the conditions for distraction, and many people in the Upgraded Points poll reported they are not actually working during their working hours.
In particular, they are doing activities which aren’t on-task, but keep them in front of their screens. Fully 75% spend time scrolling social media while 70% shop online, 53% watch shows or movies and 32% plan trips.
In addition, sometimes people are away from their computer during remote working hours doing household chores (72%), running errands (37%), taking naps (24%) or going to the doctor (23%). In addition, 12% say they drink while they’re working away from the office.
Ironically, despite all the people who do non-work activities, many still report they feel productive, according to Upgraded Points. In fact, 63% of women and 55% of men say they are productive working from home.
There is also interesting data on how many hours people work, and 13% admit they only work for about three or four hours per day when they’re working remotely. This varies by generation with 54% of Millennials and 58% of Gen X likely to work eight hours or more per day. While 69% of Gen Z says they are likely to finish before eight hours are complete.
But depending on the tasks and the content of people’s jobs, they may have to make up for lost time or productivity with 65% saying they have worked later in the day to catch up on work they didn’t accomplish earlier because they were distracted.
Holding Yourself Accountable
One way to stay on task and on target with your work is to remind yourself that you may have to pay the price later. For example, you’d likely rather get the work done and out of the way, so you don’t have to work late and miss social time with your friends.
In addition to the natural consequences of failing to accomplish your work during the day, you can also plan rewards for yourself. Tell yourself if you get things done, you’ll reward yourself with an energizing walk, extra time with family or a special dinner out.
Another way to stay motivated is to remind yourself of how much you mean to the organization. No matter what you’re doing, your organization likely values the work you do—and it ladders up to something bigger. Your small part of the process is an input to another element and it makes a difference to an ultimate customer.
Also remind yourself of how you do your job uniquely well. You have background and experience that allow you to be especially creative with how you get things done. Or you’re really great at staying organized, so you are more efficient than most. Or perhaps you’re good with people so when others work with you, you improve their day. Find ways you appreciate yourself and your work—and this will help you stay motivated.
Working remotely can leave you feeling disconnected.
Another way to keep positive about your work is to seek new learning. Maybe your current task doesn’t motivate you deeply, but you can spend your extra time building your skills in adjacent areas which can add more value for you or the company.
You can also look for ways to do things better or differently, rather than in the same old way. Look for problems to solve, and take initiative to improve your outcomes and results.
Stretching yourself is corelated with happiness so when you seek out new learning and challenge, you’ll add to your joy and satisfaction.
Connecting and Aligning
It’s especially tough to stay committed when you’re also feeling disconnected. Stay in touch with your teammates and engage (rather than multitasking) when you have meetings together. Check in with colleagues regularly and schedule time to have coffee and touch base—both virtually and in person.
Also choose to go into the office. A study published in the Academy of Management Discoveries journal found working offsite could be contagious among coworkers. People wanted to be in the office, but assumed their colleagues wouldn’t be there, so they stayed home—and this choice to stay home resulted in more people staying home more often—and the spread of loneliness. This dynamic was dubbed “offsite contagion.”
Recognize the need to feel connected and part of a community. Even if you’re an introvert and need less of this, know some level of belonging is critical to your emotional, physical and cognitive health. You may not even have collaborative work to do, but you can gain momentum just by being around other people. Coordinate with friends and teammates for when you’ll be onsite together.
Also ensure you’re aligning your work as much as possible with what you know energizes you. If you have flexibility, work where and when you know you perform best.
Focusing on the Future
Also remember each day you’re building for the future. The discipline you demonstrate today will help you achieve more later. The development you pursue will prepare you for your next career move. The follow through you achieve will build your credibility and make you especially attractive to the person who hires you next.
A key aspect of happiness is performing well. You’ll feel more joy when you know you’re making a difference and working hard. Of course, everyone also needs time to relax and chill, but by managing your motivation and staying productive, you’ll achieve payoffs for yourself in terms of your own sense of value and meaning.
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